About Me

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Hi! I'm Elder Lundy and I represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I'm excited to be serving my mission in the Philippines! For further reading, see Ether 12:6, 27 "6. And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. 27. And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

Monday, October 24, 2011

First email from the Philippines

Questions we asked and Elder Lundy’s answers
1. What can you tell us about the Filipino people so far?
Answer: The Filipino people...they are pretty awesome! They are usually really kind. When they aren't I don't know the language well enough to catch it so I just smile at them anyway. They love calling out to the elders, especially if they are American. Everyone knows who we are, or at least that we are called elders. They absolutely love Americans. They treat us well, especially if they are members. Filipinos run on Mormon standard time, then add another half hour then they'll show up. They are late for everything. As a result, we just show up late for absolutely everything in order to be on time. That’s enough of this one for now.

2. What have you tried of local food?
Answer: I haven't tried much local food yet. We’ve eaten at a couple side shops that I forgot what they were called. Most everything they make goes with rice. Sister Carlos made us a breakfast mix of rice, eggs, bacon...something like that. I had a beef steak dish on top of rice. That was really good. We’re in one of the richer areas right now, and I’ve been told we have one of the nicest apartments in the mission, though my view on "nice" has changed a lot since I got here. I can't believe how we live in America, it almost disgusts me now. Cool fact. I live about a motorcycle shop. They sell them starting at 10000 piso which is like $225 or so. Everything here is cheap.

3. Who was the other Elder that traveled with you to the mission home? Was he from the Philippines? Was he a new Elder? Or just an Elder that needed to return to Cauayan city?
Answer: I traveled to the mission home with Elder Daluman. He is a native Filipino. He is a new missionary that was the only elder going to Cauayan mission from the Philippine mtc. He ended going was up north to tuegegaro or something like that, it doesn't sound anything like its spelled.
4.  Where is your first assignment located? (Zone, district, village/town/city)? Tell us about Elder Schmidt - besides that he is tall and blond.

Answer: my first area is in the city of Ilagan. Elder Justin James Schmidt is my companion and today is his birthday!!! He is from Californian. We had a great time. Like 15 elders from our surrounding elders, namely all the Americans went to one of our churches that had a field and we played football all morning. I got my first red neck/face/arms of my mission. Then President Carlos made some of us lunch, namely all the birthday boys (there were three of them. Elders Schmidt, Hardman (lives in my apartment. there are four of us in It. Elder Jackson is his companion), and elder.....I forgot his name. :/) and their companions and the AP's. It was great!

5. What was your first Sunday like?
Answer: my first Sunday was, well, hectic! :) We got there on time and spent the first two hours ushering everybody to their classes. Lagan wards 1 and 2 meet at the same time. I am ward 2. We have classes first then we go to sacrament. We had a family we have been teaching come to church for the first time! :) It was soo cool! The Pebenito family. Larry and Launnie, and 5/6 kids. The oldest was working but is sincerely interested so I think we'll be good with her. In sacrament I was supposed to give a 1-2 minute introduction about myself....lol. I ended up giving a 15 minute talk I made up on the spot because a speaker didn't show up. But it’s ok. I like bishop and was happy to do it for him. I gave it in Taglish (same as Spanglish but with Tagalog, not Spanish. :) it’s fun!) I did it on faith and used Ether chapter 12 a lot. Read it. It’s my favorite chapter in the BoM (Book of Mormon) and is very motivational and very special to me.

6. Are you finding the Tagalog language to be what you learned?

Answer: the Tagalog language is exactly what I learned at the MTC. I swear I’ve heard my teacher’s voices all over the place. lol. I’m in one of their previous areas. Brother Itrey, I’m not sure how you spell it. A lot of the people here remember his name. He did work. My biggest problem is the vocabulary and all of the shortcuts. I can understand what they are all saying. I can hear that it is Tagalog and I can understand what they are saying. I just don't know what it all means cuz I lack the vocab still. My speaking is really bad though. Well, Elder Schmidt says it’s better than his old companion and he was here for like 3 months. So maybe I’m better than I thought.

My address is:

Philippines Cauayan Mission
78 Burgos Street
3305 Cauayan City

It’s funny though. Nothing out here has an address. No mailboxes. If you want mail, or want to send mail, you have to go to the post office to take care of it. I can't use the pouch here anymore. I think you can by sending it to salt lake or something. I’m not sure though. The Carlos’ say not to FedEx anything to me. They make you pay ridiculous amounts to get your package. Just use regular US mail. It’s the best. The above address should be used for absolutely anything you need to send me. I get my mail when I get to the mission home or someone else nearby picks it up.

FUN FACTS: I’ve ridden in and standing on the back of a jeepney, and a tricey. Elder Schmidt and I avoid the trieys when we can though, we don't fit well. They are really small.
One of many jeepney

Tricey are a little small for Elder Lundy
On the way to the mission home, the bus attendant told us that we boarded a half hour early. We owed another 90 pisos together. If the coordinating brother that drove us to the bus station hadn't swapped my $20 bill for some Filipino money, we might not have made it there...even though he didn't get the full worth of my 20, I’m still glad he did it. :)

Happy Birthday Elder Schmidt

Me and Elder Schmidt
at turkey dinner from a member for his and Elder Hardman's birthday.

This is the group I hung with at the Manila MTC.
Oh yah, I forgot to close the letter.
I love you all so much! :)
Till next week! :)

Elder Lundy

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